Monday, May 2, 2011

Sending the wrong message?

the article i just read talked about how the school administrators are all sending the wrong message because they do not enforce the rules about what students can or can't say. there are four types of censorship to consider in schools and they all cover different parts of speech. the four types of censorship are: 1. Overt censorship by school administrators 2.Student self-censorship resulting from a fear of overt administration censorship 3. Peer or social censorship 4. A subtle self-censorship, resulting from a narrow(Martinson 2005). these all stem off of the administrators sending the wrong message to the students. its all self controlled censorship, and i think that when the administrators say they do not hold back the freedom of speech of their students i think its a lie. i can see it in our school because when students say somethings they get away with it but when they say other things they get in trouble. if they don't hold back freedom of speech they should let the students speak their mind no matter what. most things are not going to disrupt the learning process of students like they say it will. because no matter what kids will still say things they are not supposed to and if it bothers other people than i think they need to get thicker skin and not let it effect them that much. people just need to let more things go so it causes less problems because once your out of school and in life on your own, things will get said that bother you but there is no administrator around to get them in trouble. i think that high school should prepare kids for the harsh reality that life is hard and a lot of things will bother you, rather than holding people back from saying things they should teach kids a way to work around the problems and they should help teach kids how to deal with certain things that come your way. i think that the schools try and make it look like the students have room for free speech but they really crack down and don't let kids express or say different things. For example there is a day of silence in school for spreading the word about gay rights, however if someone tried to make a day that was promoting the opposite of gay rights the school would never allow that. Now both days will make people uncomfortable but they would never say no to the day of silence because it would make it look like they hate gay people. this is the cross road that schools come to when they try and incorporate censorship in their schools. i think that schools should be more open to more ideas and by doing this i think that censorship can be a more equal thing instead of causing such big controversies.