Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Drug Testing in schools

I think that student drug testing should not be allowed unless the student themselves were caught in the act or with a drug. It is not fair to make kids test when some of them join extra curricular activities to simply get away from all of the drugs and bad things on the streets. "There is growing recognition that extracurricular involvement plays a role in protecting students from substance abuse and other dangerous health behaviors." (National Education Association) If someone wants to spend enough money to test every kid that goes through an activity, why don't they just spend the money on things to improve the activities so more kids join and maybe get out of the bad activity. No matter how successful drug testing is, kids are still going to be doing drugs all through out high school and there are plenty of ways to pass drug tests even if you shouldn't. The success of the drug test will not out weigh the psychological affect it will have on all of the kids if they can't even get the trust of their coaches/sponsors to not test them. Students should be building trust with the adults in the school and with the administrators not building a mistrust. The test also do not discover the drugs that most people are worried about in high school teens. "The risk that testing students for illicit drugs "will be understood to signal that alcohol and tobacco are of lesser danger is not an idle concern." (National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence) On student privacy I think that students should have the right to have all of their privacy protected outside of school. For example if someone gets arrested the police department should not be able to tell the high school that the specific person was arrested for whatever reason. However if the student is on school property there is every right for them to be searched if it is reasonable. They should have to prove the reason and give evidence for the search and the students parents,lawyer and a police officer should all be present during the time of the search.

1 comment:

  1. This is a powerful piece, easily the best thing you've written so far this year. Keep this up.
