Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Speech codes.

Speech codes are usually set into place by an admistration becasue they want to try and protect certain speech that is not protected by the first amendment. By doing this it limits the free speech they give us in their school. I think that speech can be very hurtful a lot of the times and if it is not going to cause any physical harm they should not be able to limit it. If someone says like "I hate anyone who is not white because white people rule the world and are smarter than everyone else." than that is that persons opinion and they should be able to express it. If we do not get the chance to express our opinions how are we as students suposed to expand our thinking beyond the values and beliefs we have from birth. Everyone has different beliefs and opinions on things and everyone should be able to say these aloud. I think that speech codes are a good thing to have to an extent but once it crosses that line they should be taken out and revised.

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