Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Censorship... Does it do more worse then good?

The issue I am covering for this final project is about censorship and how it affects student in schools and how it affects the school in general. there are many things that people look at when it comes to censorship because there are so many things that people think should be censored that aren't. when looking at it in schools it usually comes down to books in the library and Internet use. they do not know what they should not let students access and what they should be able to access. some people think that not letting students access certain information is harmful to their education. In this article I read, they talked about how Internet use in schools and colleges ends up in students being able to access pornographic material or other material which is thought to be inappropriate or unsuitable. But many experts say that balancing the dangers of  unsuitable ‘hits’against the curriculum advantages of access to up-to-date, motivating material can help the argument for both sides. many teachers are also taking the hit because they are usually responsible to make sure their students use the Internet safely and the right way without doing anything they are not supposed to be doing. they are supposed to make sure the censorship stays intact but they also have to educate at the same time. So which should they focus on? In my opinion they should focus less on keeping the censorship intact and focus more on teaching the students more about censorship and other things that they are supposed to be learning. Approaches to the Internet have been classified as either Utopian – seeing the information superhighway as a potentially liberating medium, in which ‘information wants to be free or Dystopian –focusing on the potential for control and surveillance represented by a global network. This reflects the ‘double life’ of technology (Noble, 1984) in which aspects of any innovation react the wishes of those who design and control it, but other aspects emerge as unintended consequences from the way that users adapt technologies to their own ends. I think the whole issue of censorship all comes back to the idea that the people in power always want to be watching everyone who is under them. that there is always someone watching and they can determine what information you can look at and which information you can not.

1 comment:

  1. Only one source blogged so far? Better get moving. Also more of your reflection on this would be helpful.
