Monday, March 14, 2011

white felon vs. qualified african american

I read the article that talked about applying for jobs and race. There was a study done over a year of time in which there were applicants that had a very good resume put out for them to the companies. This was for a number of different jobs and all of the men were qualified. There were some white and some black participants in this study. One of the white participants was a convicted felon, however the still applying for the same jobs as everyone else. in the study they found that for the most part the white male was picked for a second call back and interview over the qualified black man. Even the white felon was taken over them after he admitted to having a criminal past. this strikes me as very unbelievable that someone could pick a felon over a very qualified person just because of the color of their skin. I think we see this more than we choose to look at in society. we know this is going on but no one does anything because no one wants to be that person who stands up for someone else of a different race to be considered an outsider by some of the same race. I think people are still scared of the stereotypes that are in society and people can not get over the fact that no matter what the color of your skin is, it should not matter because if you have the education and the qualifications you should get hired. This just further proves that African Americans have to work twice if not three times as hard to find a job and find a way to be accepted into society compared to a white person. there is no equality in society no matter what anyone says because all you have to do is sit back and listen and watch how people act around people of different races, and I bet if you look closely you'll notice even yourself act differently in front of people with a different skin color. For there to be equality in this society and to have people be treated better people have to drop the stereo types that they have and they have to accept people for what they can give and what their qualifications are rather than looking at the color of their skin and making a decision based on that only. I know there have been times when I was just like this, I'm not going to lie but when I really think about it I would feel more comfortable with a black man working for me who has a clean record who is very qualified rather than hiring a white man who has a criminal record even if they tell me about it. People should not be given an easy ride just because they have white skin. The days like this have to end if everyone wants any equality in the workplace and in just every day life.

1 comment:

  1. This is a really nice post Lucas. Lots of detail and honest reflection. Unfortunately you are missing several others.
