Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Ghost Wars: Intro

This book is definitely for the reader who likes conspiracy. It’s written by a Pulitzer Prize winning author Steven Coll who along with writing this book wrote the book the Bin Laden’s. This book covers topics from a vast variety of time from the CIA back in 1979 to present day issues. Anything from the soviet invasion to the attacks on the world trade centers. It talks about who was actually responsible for the attacks and who knew about them before they happened and didn’t act on the threat. It also gives the people some sort of an idea of what has been happening over the past couple of years and it shows them how much our government actually knows and doesn’t act on. It made me as a reader question a lot of information I get from the news and any other media source because it makes me think what they are failing to tell us. How bad the situation actually is over in the Middle East and what is going on. Why we are chasing Osama bin laden around the deserts of his home country to try and kill him and fail at that which caused us to waste millions upon millions of dollars on trying to kill a single man. Reading this book makes me think about and makes me angry at our government because of the things that they think they can do to other places and people and think that they can get away with it without consequence. The whole war in Afghanistan and in Iraq is an outcome to something they thought would not get this bad.  It shows that there are consequences to actions that you take in places you have no right to be. The reason I think this book got an award is because the author does a great job at giving an entire overview of the whole situation that was and is going on and writes it in a way that people can understand.

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