Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Ghost Wars: Osama

Steven Coll also talks about Osama bin Laden and the plan to go and capture him. The plan was unsuccessful and we did not capture or assassinate Osama. In my opinion I think that going after Osama so fast and so aggressive was stupid. We should have waited a year longer to gather way more information, figure out where he sleeps, eats, meets with generals, stores all of his weapons, etc. There are so many things that they needed to sure up before they went in their and started to blow a bunch of stuff up to go find a man in a huge desert and mountains that we are not native to and have not been traveling or living in for all of our lives. You put a bunch of our soldiers in their no matter how much fire power we have or how many soldiers we have there they will still have a huge advantage until we get acclimated to the area and the terrain. They have all of their bases and forts inside caves and tunnels in the hills where we cannot see them and they are heavily guarded. This was just a calling for us to fail and that is what we have done since we have been there. I think we are there for the wrong reasons at this point since it has been so many years. Like what else is our country trying to take from them or how much money is involved. They just used Osama as an excuse to blame someone for the attacks and to use him for an excuse to start war with another country. The worst part about our government and country is that we try and step into things that we are not needed in and usually just end up making it worse. We need to stop worrying about what other people are doing and worry about getting ourselves out of this huge recession. If we didn’t go to war and used all of that money to spend on things to help our country move forward and maybe get out a little more out of debt and not spend the money we don’t have. I think that going for Osama was a very stupid idea and think that we should have never gone into the way we did. This book helps me realize that we never needed to go in their when we did.

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